What the length of your index finger says about you - The idea that the shape of your hands indicates something profound about your sexual proclivities, the films you like, your athletic ability and your prowess on the stock market seems bizarre.And yet for many decades now, scientists have noticed an extraordinary link between the ratio of two digits on the hand — the ring and index fingers, known in scientists’ jargon as 2D and 4D — and a whole host of seemingly unrelated traits.Evidence is growing...
Politics and humanity have a great influence in the popularity of love, family, religious and money
What the length of your index finger says about you
What Your Brain Looks Like After 20 Years of Marriage

Seperti Apa Otak Anda Setelah 20 Tahun Menikah - Bertentangan dengan pendapat umum, orang yang mengatakan bahwa mereka masih jatuh cinta dengan pasangannya setelah lebih dari dua dekade bukanlah orang gila. Setidaknya, beberapa di antaranya tidak. Dan sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan Anda selanjutnya, ternyata mereka juga tidak berbohong. Hal ini dikemukakan oleh sebuah studi baru yang diterbitkan dalam Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience edisi Desember yang melakukan pemindaian otak pada...
A close look at the American society

A close look at the American society - The “value system” of Jews and the traditional value system of America are NOT in line with one another. Jews have long held, and continue to hold a DUAL morality system: One set of values for dealing with other Jews, and another set for dealing with everyone else. In her early years, (most) people immigrating to America wanted ONE thing – the better life that the traditional value system of America promised. And they wanted to BECOME Americans – to ASSIMILATE...
Proof that money can't buy happiness

Bukti bahwa uang tidak bisa membeli kebahagiaan: John Paul Getty III dihancurkan oleh miliaran keluarganya Selama tiga dekade, John Paul Getty III telah dihukum hidup di kursi roda - disuapi, berpakaian dan dimandikan oleh perawat sepanjang waktu, tidak dapat melihat dengan baik, berjalan atau berbicara , dan hanya bisa berkomunikasi dengan teriakan bernada tinggi.
Dia telah berada dalam keadaan sedih ini sejak tahun 1981 ketika, pada usia 24 tahun, dia lumpuh karena stroke yang disebabkan oleh...
Tips for Charitable Giving
Tips for Charitable Giving. What to know before turning over the dough. It can be a challenge to decide which charity should receive your hard-earned dollars. Should you support the environmental group that just knocked on your door, the police association that called to ask for your support or the children’s charity that sent you a letter with a heart-wrenching picture of an orphan?None of them, charity experts say. Instead, you should pick the charities and give money before being asked. Not only...
Top 10 Sleep Mistakes And Their Solutions
Top 10 Sleep Mistakes And Their Solutions . Although we may not like to admit it, many of the sleep problems we experience are the result of bad habits and behaviors. We stay up late or sleep in late. We eat foods that disagree with us or enjoy a drink late at night, oblivious to their disruptive impact on our sleep rhythms. Over time, we teach our body not to sleep and for relief we often turn to sleeping pills, which mask rather than solve the problem, and can lead to addiction. Ultimately...
Health Care,
Satanic rapists on trial
Satanic rapists on trial. Two young people are being tried in Russia for organizing a Satan-worshiping sect. Their adepts were subjected to abuse during gatherings, while some girls, including those below the age of consent, were molested. The sect named “Nobilis Ordo Diaboli” – or the “Noble Order of the Devil” – was engaged in the secret worshiping of Satan in the republic of Mordovia in central Russia since 2003. It was organized by medical student Aleksandr Kazakov, 24, and had...
The real-life Da Vinci Code: Historians discover tiny numbers and letters in the eyes of the Mona Lisa
The real-life Da Vinci Code: Historians discover tiny numbers and letters in the eyes of the Mona Lisa - Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile.
But the Mona Lisa was at the centre of a new mystery yesterday after art detectives took a fresh look at the masterpiece – and noticed something in her eyes.
Hidden in the dark paint of her pupils are tiny letters and numbers, placed there by the artist Leonardo da Vinci and revealed only now thanks to high-magnification techniques.
Former Trump fan looks back at historic announcement with regret
Former Trump fan looks back at historic announcement with regret - Just days from the presidential election, a fervent Donald Trump supporter present at his campaign kickoff is looking back at that June 2015 day with a pang of regret.
You might not know Lori Goldberg Burch of Jersey City, N.J., but you could have heard her voice. Her howls of approval punctuated Trump’s announcement speech in Trump Tower, leading to brief repartee between them.
“Somebody accused me of this being a set up,...
Donald Trump,
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