Moment Teenager Dangled Baby Girl out of A Fifth-Floor Window

As Fire and Smoke Engulfed Their Apartment. Moment Teenager Dangled Baby Girl out of A Fifth-Floor Window. This is the horrific moment a baby girl was dangled out of a fifth-floor window by a teenage relative as they were trapped by fire. Terrified Vanessa Scott, 18, thought holding her 7-month-old cousin Zaniwah Alexandra out of the window would help her get air to breath.

Emergency: Ten people - including a 7-month-old child who was dangled from a fourth-floor window by her terrified cousin - were plucked from this Bronx apartment fire

Neighbours in New York's Bronx looked on in terror as the tot swung in the air - and the teenager screamed: ‘Please catch my baby! I don't want to die!’

Luckily firefighters persuaded the teen to hold on long enough for them to rescue her, the baby and also another six-year-old relative.

‘I couldn't imagine what was going on in her head,’ said one of the rescuing firemen, Keith Lagan, a father of three himself.

Scott later admitted that she feared they would all die and holding the baby outside might be its only chance for survival.

‘I slid the baby through the child guard bars because there was just smoke everywhere and flames. I couldn't get anywhere except for the window,’ she said.

‘You couldn't see anything. I knew she would get air if she would get out the window.’

A large crowd gathered outside the building to cheer as each rescue was made. ‘We were all crying and clapping,’ said Isabel Vazques, 52. At least eight civilians and two fighters were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. There were no fatalities.

‘It went well,’ said veteran FDNY firefighter Sean O'Donnell. ‘Many jobs don't go this well.’ ( )

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