Rooster – Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope

10 cute chinese zodiac horoscope rooster chicken

Rooster – Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope

The Rooster is a flamboyant personality, feisty and obstinate. He is quite the extrovert who loves to strut his stuff and is proud of who he is. Outwardly confident, the Rooster is also a trustworthy, hardworking individual. He’ll tell it like it is with no qualms or reservations.

The Rooster is always popular, extravagant and creative.. They can be brutally honest and generally like being showered with attention. They are wonderfully loyal friends and also give advice freely – whether they are asked for it or not! Family means the world to the Rooster and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about.

Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope


Blunt, yet witty, these Roosters speak in plain terms. They do not hold qualms about their feelings and don’t mind sharing their points of view. They are honest and trustworthy and expect the same of others, especially friends and family.


These Roosters are motivated and industrious individuals. They take on responsibility and finish what they start. They must learn to relax though in order to live to their full potential.


These Roosters seem to know a lot, so they love a good, solid debate. Politics or environmental subjects top their lists for discussion. They want to maintain a good relationship with friends and have a knack for organizing.


Cancerian Roosters are tender, sweet individuals, yet still rough around the edges. They are efficient and sharp. These Roosters enjoy the company of friends, family and even animals.


This character loves to strut his stuff for anyone who will watch. He is exuberant and flamboyant, full of energy and pizzazz. He is also sincere, compassionate and attentive t his loved ones.


These Roosters are logical, equipped to handle tasks others may turn away. They are overtly detail-oriented, sometimes annoyingly so. They can be critical and mistakenly mean if they do not choose their words carefully.


A disorganized workplace or home will send this Rooster into a tailspin. Clutter is his kryptonite, he hates it. He is sophisticated and collected, admired by many for his cool demeanor.


These are the most determined of the Roosters. Once they set a goal, they cannot stop until they achieve it. They are motivated, industrious individuals who work hard to satisfy their employers. They are deeply emotional people, something one wouldn’t know by seeing their surfaces.


This Rooster is relaxed, down-to-earth and likeable. He is a free spirit, honest and openhearted. He does have a tendency to put his foot in his mouth if he speaks before he actually realizes what he’s saying.


Determined and destined for success, the Capricorn Rooster wants nothing more than to succeed. He is practical and responsible…if you want the job done, this is your man! On the darker side, this motivation to succeed isn’t without cause. This Rooster wants to be in charge.


These Roosters like to stand out in the crowd. Conformation is certainly not their forte. They do not like to be tied down to one thing, person or decision. They need to be thrown a curveball every once in a while to stimulate their creativity.


Stubborn, yet sensitive describes this combination. Piscean Roosters are not as blunt as other Roosters and take into consideration the feelings of whomever they are about to offend. They do not like confrontation or discord of any sort and will run from it if they have to.

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