The Prophet's Miracle Of Splitting The Moon. This story was explained by Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar (the moslem geologist). It was about the experience of English al-hizb al-islamy leader that become a moslem because his astonishment with the truth of splitting moon.
Allah said: " The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. " (surah al-qamar-1).
Will you justify story from verse of Al-Quran that causes leader of English hizb islami decided to be a moslem?
Here is the story:

On television interview with a moslem geologist, Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar, one of the English citizen submitted a question to him, does the verse from surah Al-Qamar above has miracle point scientifically?
Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar answered it as follows:
Dealing with this verse, I shall narrated a story. Few days ago, I presented this thing at Cardif university, located at west English. Various religion of entrants were attended it. One of the discussion theme was about scientific miracle from Al-Quran. Then, One of the moslem asked, " Sir, what do you thing about this verse", The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder". Is it contain any miracle scientifically? "
I answer it: "No, because scientific intensity is explained by science, while miracle can not be explained by science, because it can not go for it. The splitting of moon was a miracle of latest apostle Muhammad, as correction on his prophecy and the apostolicity".
The visible miracle was witnessed and justified by everyone who saw it. If that thing was not written in Al-Quran and Hadits, we are as moslem will not definitely believe on it.
Allah is have the authority on everything. Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar even also quoted a story of the prophet in splitting the moon. That was happened before migration from Mecca to Madinah. The unbelievers said " O Muhammad, if you are a real prophet and apostle, show us one of greatness that can prove your prophecy and apostolicity? "
. . . Allah informed Muhammad to point his finger to the moon.the prophet pointed it and finally, moon were really on split. . .
The prophet asked, " What do you want me to do? They answer: We want you to split the moon" . Prophet stood an pray hoping Allah would help him. Then, Allah informed Muhammad to point his finger to the moon. And finally, it was really on split.
Spontaneously, the unbelievers said, " Muhammad, you bring a black magin on us! ".
The experts believe that black magic can hypnotized the one near him, but not for them who were far away from that place.
To proved that this was really happened,one of Quraisy citizen was in hurry to go to the city line, and waited for people who would arrive from their trips.
When the first group was entering Mecca, the unbelievers asked them, " Did you see something strange on the moon? " They answered, " Yes, it was definitely true. We saw the moon was splitting into two parts and then it was firmly united" .
Finally, some of them were decided to be moslem and unfortunately, others were not. Therefore, Allah revealed surah Al-Qamar.
"This is a real story" said Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar. After he told the hadits, an English moslem student introduced his self and said, " I am Mozes David Pitkhok, the chairman of English al-hizb al-islamy.
“sir, may I add something?" he said. Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar answered: “with my pleasure.” Mozes David Pitkhok confirmed " I studied many religions before being a moslem. One of the moslem student showed me a translation of Al-Quran. I thanked to him and brought it home. I started to read surah Al Qamar, soon after I had open it. I read its verse, "The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder..."
I was mumbled: " Is it logically true? can the moon really on split and then ally return? what kind of power that can make it true? then I stopped to reading further, and continuing my daily life activities. but, Allah knows for most about my sincerity in finding the truth.
One day, I watch an English television program. It was broadcasted a discussion between an English presenter and 3 experts of space. They were narrated about big fund in order to go to space. While at the same time, world was experiencing hunger problem, poverty, ill and war. The presenter even also said, " If that fund is used to the people on earth, it will be so much useful". Those experts was defended their space projects and said, " This project will bring very positive impact for many aspects of human life such as medical, industrial, and agriculture. So, those fund will not spend for something useless.
The experts continued by explaining that they had spent more than 100 million dollar, to walk to the moon. The presenter was shock and suddenly said " What kind of stupidity is it? you spend that much just to walk on the moon? "
They answered, " no ! ! ! this was aimed to proclaim the US power of knowledge in the moon. We also studied the material of the moon. we had already got what we need, and we thought it was equal with its fund
The presenter asked " what kind of truth you have reached, so that you have to pay that much? they answered, " The moon ever experienced a cleavage, and than be firmly united ! ! ! this picture was taken from the NASA aeroplane. The presenter continued to ask, " How could you feel so sure with that? " They answered, " we find that the rocks were cut apart, on the surface to bowels of moon. Then, we asked the geologist to examine it and they stated " This matter may not be happened unless the month is ever apart then ally return".
. . . " We find that the rocks were cut apart, on the surface to bowels of moon. Then, we asked the geologist to examine it and they stated " This matter may not be happened unless the month is ever apart then ally return"...
after heard that explanation, the chairman of English Al-Hizb al-islamy said, " I left my chair and said, " The miracle is genuinely happen to Muhammad (may Allah bless him and give him peace) on 1400-an year ago. Allah is really humiliated US that had spend more than 100 billion dollar for proving the truth of Islam. Islam religion will not goes into wrong.
" So, I return to open Al-Quran and read surah Al-qamar. Finally, I decide to be moslem"
Allah said: " The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. " (surah al-qamar-1).
Will you justify story from verse of Al-Quran that causes leader of English hizb islami decided to be a moslem?
Here is the story:
On television interview with a moslem geologist, Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar, one of the English citizen submitted a question to him, does the verse from surah Al-Qamar above has miracle point scientifically?
Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar answered it as follows:
Dealing with this verse, I shall narrated a story. Few days ago, I presented this thing at Cardif university, located at west English. Various religion of entrants were attended it. One of the discussion theme was about scientific miracle from Al-Quran. Then, One of the moslem asked, " Sir, what do you thing about this verse", The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder". Is it contain any miracle scientifically? "
I answer it: "No, because scientific intensity is explained by science, while miracle can not be explained by science, because it can not go for it. The splitting of moon was a miracle of latest apostle Muhammad, as correction on his prophecy and the apostolicity".
The visible miracle was witnessed and justified by everyone who saw it. If that thing was not written in Al-Quran and Hadits, we are as moslem will not definitely believe on it.
Allah is have the authority on everything. Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar even also quoted a story of the prophet in splitting the moon. That was happened before migration from Mecca to Madinah. The unbelievers said " O Muhammad, if you are a real prophet and apostle, show us one of greatness that can prove your prophecy and apostolicity? "
. . . Allah informed Muhammad to point his finger to the moon.the prophet pointed it and finally, moon were really on split. . .
The prophet asked, " What do you want me to do? They answer: We want you to split the moon" . Prophet stood an pray hoping Allah would help him. Then, Allah informed Muhammad to point his finger to the moon. And finally, it was really on split.
Spontaneously, the unbelievers said, " Muhammad, you bring a black magin on us! ".
The experts believe that black magic can hypnotized the one near him, but not for them who were far away from that place.
To proved that this was really happened,one of Quraisy citizen was in hurry to go to the city line, and waited for people who would arrive from their trips.
When the first group was entering Mecca, the unbelievers asked them, " Did you see something strange on the moon? " They answered, " Yes, it was definitely true. We saw the moon was splitting into two parts and then it was firmly united" .
Finally, some of them were decided to be moslem and unfortunately, others were not. Therefore, Allah revealed surah Al-Qamar.
"This is a real story" said Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar. After he told the hadits, an English moslem student introduced his self and said, " I am Mozes David Pitkhok, the chairman of English al-hizb al-islamy.
“sir, may I add something?" he said. Prof. dr. Zaghlul al-najar answered: “with my pleasure.” Mozes David Pitkhok confirmed " I studied many religions before being a moslem. One of the moslem student showed me a translation of Al-Quran. I thanked to him and brought it home. I started to read surah Al Qamar, soon after I had open it. I read its verse, "The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder..."
I was mumbled: " Is it logically true? can the moon really on split and then ally return? what kind of power that can make it true? then I stopped to reading further, and continuing my daily life activities. but, Allah knows for most about my sincerity in finding the truth.
One day, I watch an English television program. It was broadcasted a discussion between an English presenter and 3 experts of space. They were narrated about big fund in order to go to space. While at the same time, world was experiencing hunger problem, poverty, ill and war. The presenter even also said, " If that fund is used to the people on earth, it will be so much useful". Those experts was defended their space projects and said, " This project will bring very positive impact for many aspects of human life such as medical, industrial, and agriculture. So, those fund will not spend for something useless.
The experts continued by explaining that they had spent more than 100 million dollar, to walk to the moon. The presenter was shock and suddenly said " What kind of stupidity is it? you spend that much just to walk on the moon? "
They answered, " no ! ! ! this was aimed to proclaim the US power of knowledge in the moon. We also studied the material of the moon. we had already got what we need, and we thought it was equal with its fund
The presenter asked " what kind of truth you have reached, so that you have to pay that much? they answered, " The moon ever experienced a cleavage, and than be firmly united ! ! ! this picture was taken from the NASA aeroplane. The presenter continued to ask, " How could you feel so sure with that? " They answered, " we find that the rocks were cut apart, on the surface to bowels of moon. Then, we asked the geologist to examine it and they stated " This matter may not be happened unless the month is ever apart then ally return".
. . . " We find that the rocks were cut apart, on the surface to bowels of moon. Then, we asked the geologist to examine it and they stated " This matter may not be happened unless the month is ever apart then ally return"...
after heard that explanation, the chairman of English Al-Hizb al-islamy said, " I left my chair and said, " The miracle is genuinely happen to Muhammad (may Allah bless him and give him peace) on 1400-an year ago. Allah is really humiliated US that had spend more than 100 billion dollar for proving the truth of Islam. Islam religion will not goes into wrong.
" So, I return to open Al-Quran and read surah Al-qamar. Finally, I decide to be moslem"
[adrian/voa-islam. com]
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