Ground Zero mosque likened to Superman’s HQ

Ground Zero mosque likened to Superman’s HQ - Futuristic designs for an Islamic centre and mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York have been unveiled to widespread expert acclaim.
An exterior view of the proposed Park51 community centre and mosque

The sketches showed a 16-storey building wrapped in a honeycomb of abstract shapes.

The building was compared by some to the Fortress of Solitude, the crystalline headquarters of Superman depicted in comic books.

Others suggested that some of the shapes resembled the Jewish symbol of the Star of David. The company behind the development pointed out that the hexagram is also used in Islam, as the Seal of Solomon, as well as in Christianity and other religions.

Sharif El-Gamal, the developer, said: "We want to have a marriage between Islamic architecture and New York City. We want to do something that is green and cool."

The proposed Islamic centre, two blocks from the site of the World Trade Centre attacks, has created widespread controversy in the United States.

The designs suggest it will have four floors taken up by a sports, fitness and swimming centre.

There will also be a child care centre, a restaurant, culinary school, art studios, exhibition space and auditorium.

The prayer space for Muslims will be on two levels in the basement, and the 12th floor will have a 9/11 memorial and sanctuary open to people of all faiths. ( )

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