Have YOU found your photo face? If you shy away from cameras, it's time to get a fail-safe look

Have YOU found your photo face? If you shy away from cameras, it's time to get a fail-safe look - Gathering dust in the attic are box upon box of pictures from my formative years — school, university, my first years living in London.

They’re all pretty consistent: atrocious hairstyles coupled with an equally lamentable dress sense. The real stand-out feature, however, is that in most of them I’m pulling a variety of comedy expressions.

Weddings, birthday parties, nights out, it was always the same. The best thing you can say about them is that I’m certainly aiming to look cheerful. The end result, however, generally makes me look at best like a rat has just run over my toes, and at worst as if I am in danger of either starting a fight or bursting into tears: eyes half-closed, either half-smile or manic grin.

Ready for her close-up: Kathryn has learnt how to perfect a signature smile
Ready for her close-up: Kathryn has learnt how to perfect a signature smile

This was in the days before I found my ‘photo-face’. Every modern woman must have one: a premeditated pose that’s ready to go whenever a camera is present.

Other than walking around with a yashmak in my pocket to be whipped out whenever a flash bulb goes off — and believe me, I did think about it — I realised the only way through was to have a ready-made look. A photographic fall-back, one which would ensure that people had no need to ring me every time I featured in someone’s online album to ask if I was clinically depressed.

I learned this late, it must be said —around two years ago, specifically, when I joined Facebook and realised that most of my friends didn’t have a bad picture on there because the moment anyone holds a lens up within 50 feet of them, out comes the fail-safe face — coquettish head tilt, a seductive smile, twinkling eyes.

And who can blame them? These days, when everyone is armed with a camera phone and even a quick drink after work is documented and uploaded on to a social networking site, being un-photogenic is less an irritant than a genuine affliction.

Even if you choose to limit the number of photos of yourself that you put out there, there’s no stopping friends from doing it. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, all the world’s a photo gallery now.

'When even a quick drink is documented and uploaded onto a social networking site, being un-photogenic is a genuine affliction'

The trouble is, knowing you need a photo-face is one thing, finding it is quite another. To some people it comes naturally — one of my friends has been pulling the same photo face since childhood on the basis that it has never let her down yet.

It involves an instinctive shoulder swivel to the left, eyebrows slightly raised, and a beaming wide smile showing a full set of teeth. It helps of course that she’s something of a dusky beauty with a thick tumbling set of curls, lovely green eyes and no fillings. When I tried that one for myself I looked a little bit like the Joker on Batman.

I decided to peruse my friends’ online albums, celebrity publications being ruled out for inspiration this time for the reasons written above. Careful studying revealed all had found a ‘thing’, a signature if you like.

For one, it’s a slightly Diana–esqe upgaze coupled with a just-slightly-turned-up smile. For another, it’s a cheeky, wide-eyed look with lips-marginally-parted.

Elizabeth HurleyElizabeth Jane Hurley
Practised in the art of posing: Elizabeth Hurley has a technique for ensuring she looks her best in pictures

Another, meanwhile, has gone for the ‘comedy face’ — wide-mouthed, I’m-having-a-laugh, on the basis that if she isn’t taking herself too seriously then neither will anyone else. I note, however, that by far the most popular is the tried and tested ‘lips-closed’ smile, slightly raised at the corners but no teeth showing.

This, one friend solemnly told me, is the only truly reliable photoface. ‘Teeth,’ she advised ‘are always risky. Too few can be a bit mad-dog, too many can be horse-face. Best to keep them out of the picture.’

Alas, for me this was never an option. Furnished with tiny sparrow lips, if I don’t show some teeth then it’s hard to know where my nose ends and my chin begins.

Thank goodness, then, for an informative interview with Elizabeth Hurley, in which I read that her own fail-safe photo pose is achieved by proffering a half-to-three-quarter smile during which she places her tongue behind her upper front teeth.

A girl makes the same face in every pictureA girl makes the same face in every pictureA girl makes the same face

A girl makes the same faceA girl makes the same faceA girl makes the same face
Over-exposure: One girl takes the premeditated pose that’s ready to go whenever a camera is present to a whole new level

This, apparently, minimises a double chin, and keeps the smile reasonably natural — and, coupled with the mantra of my old school dance teacher, who exhorted her pupils to give her ‘wide eyes, like startled deer’, Liz’s approach has become my photo-face ritual.

It remains trial and error of course, with a very fine line between ‘radiant smile’ and ‘taming of the shrew’. But it has certainly allowed me to up my game.

My photo face has seen me through my wedding (or the official shots anyway — nothing to be done about the shots kindly taken by the guests, which caught me snorting with laughter, stuffing my face and, on one occasion, scrunching my features up like an old sourpuss at one of the best man’s jokes.

It has also seen me through a number of other weddings too, through a university reunion, and has recently seen a lot of active service at 40th birthday parties.

I am grateful, although all too aware that as with so many things the younger generation are ahead of the curve on this one. My teenage goddaughter’s ever-changing Facebook profile pictures could give David Bailey a run for his money, all moody black and white with amazing hair.

Still, it’s better late than never for us Golden Oldies — not that I can actually say that, of course, given I must now keep my tongue tucked behind my upper teeth at all times, just in case. ( Dailymail.co.uk )

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