Horse – Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope

07 cute chinese zodiac horoscope horse

Horse – Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope

Exciting and extroverted, vivid and animated, the Horse is the life of any party he attends. He is bursting with energy, always looking for the next place to kick up his heels and hang loose. He entertains friends and strangers alike with his humor and appeal.

Fun, charming and attractive sums up the Horse’s traits perfectly. They love parties and crowds and being the centre of attention. They can also be egotistical, hotheaded and impatient. The Horse is a considerate and protective friend and partner and when in his company, there will always be excitement around the next corner.

Chinese Zodiac Meets Western Astrology Horoscope


These Horses are energetic and love taking on new projects. They can leave behind them a trail of unfinished business. They enjoy grabbing life by the horns and are motivated, adventurous individuals.


These Horses have common sense and practicality. They are driven by a creative desire to have material comforts and are more likely than most to establish their roots somewhere.


These Horses are clever, witty individuals. They learn the basics about a lot of things and thus have a great breadth of general knowledge. They are young at heart and attractive and enjoy being the center of attention.


Cancerian Horses have huge hearts and will spend a lifetime searching for their soul mates. They’d rather find the perfect mate at an old age rather than a mediocre one at a young age.


These people are creative, strong willed and vivacious. They are self-confident and motivated to accomplish their goals. When they fall in love, they are truly blind with it, allowing it to consume them.


Hard-working and stable, these Horses are more reasonable than other Horses. They are mature and responsible in all of their relationships.


Libran Horses depend greatly on their friends. Their charm and wit make them A-list party guests. They are sociable and fun loving and generate high demand when invitations go out.


Scorpio gives a finishing element to the Horse allowing him to take the time to see his projects through to the end. He gives the Horse concentration and motivation to stay on task.


This Horse is free spirited and extroverted. He likes to be spontaneous and doesn’t plan anything. He is enthusiastic and impulsive and can sometimes stretch himself too thin.


Ambition fuels this Horse’s need to succeed. He likes to acquire materials things and enjoys making money for security. He is hardworking and will be a loyal employee if treated respectfully and justly.


Eccentric and charismatic, these Horses look ahead and unlike others Horses seem to make random plans. They are fun and unconventional, spontaneous and charming.


Piscean Horses get swept up in the opinions of others. They like to know what other people think of them and can be quick to make changes others see fit.

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