Overcome the 7 Most Common Objections

Start Your Business Now - Overcome the 7 Most Common Objections. I know that you have lots of reasons why you can't start your business or buy a business. I know because I had the same problems for many years. Here's a few of mine. Let me know if you have the same problems and I'll tell you how to overcome them:

1.Tim, you're ok, you've got money. I have no money so how can I start or buy a business?

Answer: - If you've got a great idea and you don't mind doing all the work talk to people who may have money. Offer them 50% of the profit. I know that sounds a lot but they're putting up all the money. If the business goes well 50% is still great. Also when you have one successful business up and running you can always start other businesses with the money you now have and you can keep everything to yourself if that is what you want. If you have one good idea you'll have others. The important thing is to get started.

If you don't know anyone with money you can start up a blog for virtually nothing. write about something you love or know about, submit your posts as articles to article submission directories and get over to Clickbank and choose an affiliate product in the area you are writing about. If you are passionate about your subject, have knowledge or go out and get the knowledge you need you'll start to get followers. Sign up to Facebook, twitter etc. Things will start to happen.

2.Tim, I'm no good at anything, I have no ideas, no product, dead end job that nobody will be interested in. What do I do?

Answer - Phew this is a big one! Do you have any interests that you could write about. do you have kids? have you just gone through a divorce? have you just bought a car or a motorbike? A TV? Have you just had your house decorated or had building work done? have your kids started at a new school?

You could write a short guide to help people on any of these subjects. hate writing? Get over to elance.com or scriptlance.com and get somebody else to write a short e course or e book to help solve somebody's problem for them. Yes, you will have to pay but not a lot and you're investing in your future.

3.Tim, I've bought hundreds of course and manuals. Most were rubbish. who do I trust?

Answer - First and foremost trust yourself. Before you buy anything (whatever the amazing last minute, only for today offer) e mail the person/company selling the course or guide and ask them some questions. Do they reply? did they answer all your questions? Go onto forums and find out about them? Do they get bad press? do they have a returns policy? Can you try before you buy? If they don't give a guarantee then I'd be wary about buying from them.

I'd also say not to buy course after course. Sure, buy courses but one at a time. Read it, go through it and implement it. Many people buy course after course and never really finish each one. they open the cover and see it involves a bit of work and put it down and move onto the next one and the next one.

I'm a big blogging fan as it means you can communicate directly with the people that you want to do business with. They can comment on your posts, you can interact with them. Give them surveys. They will be happy to help you and by doing so they will help your business move forward. But the most important thing is to be genuine. do a blog because you want to communicate to people and help them. Don't do it for the money. Money will come to you if you all your actions are in a genuine spirit of wanting to help people.

4.Which products sell?

Answer - Find out what people are looking for. Use Google's key word research tool or look at what's hot on e bay. That will tell you what people are searching for and you can then think of a product to fill that need. Physical or digital it doesn't matter. If its a physical product try to keep it light so that postage costs are low and I'd also go for higher priced products if possible. If your item sells for $2 dollars you'll have to sell a hell of a lot to make money. it would also be a good idea to test the market. Find a supplier and agree prices but don't order straight away. Place an ad and see what response you get. Good response, order the goods and if there is going to be a slight delay tell your customers and think about giving them a discount for the delay or even give them the opportunity of canceling their order. Most will not cancel but if you treat them well they will be happy to wait a little longer. At least that way you have been able to test the market and not incur any cost until you have orders on the table.

5.How Do I Build A Website?

Answer You don't have to. Get over to scriptlance.com or elance.com and somebody will build it for you, for $25 - $50. I'd recommend a Joomla site or WordPress. They look good are simple to operate and can be built quickly. You can have your own website in a few days!

6.How Can I Make My Website Stand Out From The Crowd?

Try looking at things from a different angle. Write reviews of other peoples products? Think about how you could improve somebody's product and then tell people. write a free report on another person's product and then link to their affiliate program. Then get your cheap web guy to build you a simple sales page where you comment on how great X's product is but that one key ingredient is missing. You have that missing ingredient and you can let them have that ingredient for $4.95 if they buy through you.

7. How Long Will It Take?

Tough one, but not as long as you think. If you spend even 30 minutes a day you'll make a lot of progress. Enlist the help of others by hiring freelancers and your progress will be even faster. There is no reason why your business can't be up and running within a month if you do something every day to move your business forward. ( ezinearticles )

Remember read as much as you can, take action and keep going.
You will succeed because most people do nothing

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