How Do You Create A Product Fast

How Do You Create A Product Fast. Here are my top 10 ways to create a product to sell in double quick time:

1. Clickbank

Go to and you will find thousands of books and products that you can sell. I know people get hung up about creating their own product and keeping all the money but that can take time. At clickbank you can find fantastic products to sell. I know what you’re thinking – yeah Tim, but everybody and his dog is selling clickbank products. Yes, but you can do it better and get more of the sales. More importantly it gets you started, gets you some income coming in and gives you time to develop your presence, develop your own products if you want and establish yourself in the market. Go do it now!

2. Public Domain

There are thousands of items in the public domain – music, books, pictures etc that are out of copyright. This means you can use them without having to pay anyone a royalty or payment of any sort. You can re package them, re brand as your own and then sell. Perfect! And these products cost you nothing. Just type in public domain into your search box and off you go. Also have a look at

3. Outsourcing

Go to or and hire someone to create a product for you. You can find great writers at bargain prices. You will have people bidding for your work so you can really strike a great deal. They will be professional writers who do this for a living. You can ask to see examples of their work before you buy so you’ll know whether they are good or not. They will deliver a draft so you can check it, amend it, get the writer to change things to make sure you come up with a professional product.

4. Create Your Own Software

Similar to 3 above. If you have an idea could it be turned into a software program. As well as the sites above look at Again you will get professional software at a great price with a high perceived value when you sell it.

5. Create A Resource List or Directory

Find a niche and rather than write a book about the niche create a book that is simply packed full of resources for people to find out everything they need to know about a particular niche all in one convenient place

6. Interview Experts

This will take a bit of legwork in that you will have to e mail a lot of people but this is a great way to start. e mail experts in your chosen field and ask to interview them. This can either be on the phone (you can then record it and sell it on cd) or by e mail or in person. Whatever way you do it you will then have fantastic information that people will pay you for. You’ve got to accept that a lot of people will turn you down but its worth the effort because someone will say yes.

7. Re Write Content

Be careful on this one. You cannot under any circumstances copy someone’s product but you can use it to create your own similar but different and hopefully improved product. This could also be linked in with my public domain point above. Take an old public domain product and bring it up to date. Give it a new title and you’ve got a product.

8. Make Your Own Video

Not as scary as it sounds. If you’ve got a decent webcam or video camera you can make your own video. use camtasia studio and you can create your own videos. camtasia also has a screen capture facility so you can record your screen and then talk about it. this makes it really easy to create great content that people will love. You can also then think about sticking this content on dvd and selling those.

9. Create Your Own Membership Site

You can use the methods above to create content for your site. Membership sites are simple to create ( and to get someone to build one for you) but the great thing about membership sites is the continuing income you will receive

10. Set Up A Webinar

If you can get an expert to “sit in” on your webinar even better but don’t worry too much about that. What you are looking to do is give away free content. This content should be the best you can do. Ideally if you do an hour and there isn’t enough time to cover everything you want you can then do a second or series of webinars. Record them and again you can then sell the series at a later date. If you give people great content hopefully people will start thinking that if your free content is that good then your paid content will be even better. Equally important you’ll be establishing yourself as an expert in your chosen field so people will want to come back to you. ( )

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