Be Beautiful

Be Beautiful. When you experience beauty, awesome beauty, that beauty tends to inspire gratitude in you. You can pay attention to that relationship and see if it rings true for you.

But I don’t want to talk to you today about perceiving beauty and feeling gratitude.

I want to talk to you about being beautiful and inspiring gratitude.

Big business has somewhat cornered the market on our idea of physical beauty. Well, it has tried. But when you see the beauty radiating from the wise and ancient eyes of an octogenarian or the awkward enthusiasm of a teenage boy or the unabashed power of an autistic child, you are beholding the beauty that fashion has not marred. And that beauty inspires great things in the beholder. Not the least of which is gratitude.

I invite you to set an intention to be beautiful. Not to attract romance. Not to be loved and cherished. Not so that people will like you. Not even so that you feel good as you pass a mirror. All those things are fine. But today, I invite you to set an intention to be beautiful so that others, when they behold your beauty, feel gratitude. Gratitude for what? For life. For essence. For their own ability to perceive what is truly beautiful. If you do this with skill, you will actually become a mirror for their own beauty. They will look at you and remember who they are.

Be beautiful as service.

Show the world the beauty that radiates from your essence as light, as smile and as a twinkle in your eyes. Your hair, your clothes, none of that plays into this except for the way they make you feel. Organize your physical appearance in a way that brings forward your unique feeling of beauty. This may be through conventional fashion and cosmetics for some. It may be strikingly unconventional for others. All that matters is that it resonates with your inner sense of your own beauty.

Be beautiful as a gift to God.

This form of beauty reflects back to Infinite Intelligence as your gratitude for your own essence. It is a gift you give to God when you show your beauty to the world. This is the beauty that may never make it to the covers of the fashion magazines or Hollywood’s red carpets. But it is the beauty that nurtures the soul and fills your aura with light. That is the greatest gift you can give.

Be beautiful regardless of circumstances.

To help you trade in your conventional standards of beauty for the sense of beauty
that inspires gratitude, try this. When you wake up in the morning and you look
however you look, say to yourself, “I am beautiful right now just as I am.” When
you look in the mirror for the first time of the day, say to yourself, “I am beautiful right now just as I am.” When you are tired or angry or disappointed or sad, say to
yourself, “I am beautiful right now just as I am.” When you are happy and laughing and having fun, say to yourself, “I am beautiful right now just as I am.”

As you get in the habit of letting your beauty show, it will shine through your
different moods. Others will see your beauty whether or not you are “presentable” inthe conventional sense. In fact, if your beauty is extremely unconventional, othersmay not even realize that they are experiencing it as beauty, but they will feel things like love and gratitude.

When you set an intention to be beautiful for the sake of shining your essence so
that others feel gratitude, you become beautiful like the sunrise or the landscape or the stars. That is awesome beauty.
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