Chinese video gamer survives being stabbed through the head after cheating row

Chinese video gamer survives being stabbed through the head after cheating row. An astonishing picture has emerged that shows a teenage boy with what appears to be a 10-inch knife embedded in his skull after a row over a computer game.

Chinese media have reported that the boy was playing the online game Counter-Strike with his friends at an internet cafe when the attack occurred.

Xiao Wei, 16, of Mishazi town, in north-east China's Jilin province, even walked to the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University with the help of his friends.

Lucky escape: The teen had the knife plunged through his head  after fellow gamers accused him of cheating

Lucky escape: The teen had the knife plunged through his head after fellow gamers accused him of cheating

The cleaver was stabbed into Wei's left temple, leaving only the handle protruding, and exited 1cm from his right temple.

'His face was covered in blood, but he was still conscious,' said Professor Yan Shijun, deputy director of neurosurgery department of the hospital.

Wei and his friend Huang were playing Counter-Strike and defeated most of the 'enemies' in the virtual world.

Alive: Wei lies on the operating table as doctors prepare to  remove the blade from his head

Alive: Wei lies on the operating table as doctors prepare to remove the blade from his head

'When we were playing games, a group of people from the same cafe came to us, saying we must install some software to win the game. Then we had an argument with them,' said 18-year-old Huang.

Wei and Huang were allegedly pulled out of the cafe and beaten to the ground outside.

Huang said: 'My left arm was stabbed through by them, and when they had gone, I found Xiao Wei was lying on the ground with a knife in his head.'

Gaming website Gamer Crave reported that the attackers had accused Wei of using a cheat code that allowed his character in the game to see through walls - making it easier to locate opponents.

Dr Yan said it was the first time during 23 years of medical practice that he'd seen a patient remain conscious after being stabbed through the head.

X-rays and CAT scans confirmed that the cleaver luckily didn't hit any main arteries or nerves. However, the patient may have post-surgery complications like infections, brain damage, epilepsy fits, and tetanus.

Doctors operated for more than two hours to take out the knife, which has a blade measuring 14cm.

Wei's father said his son quit school last year as an 8th grader: 'He then worked from time to time, and spent most of the time at the internet cafe. We would never expect he would have such injuries at a cafe.'

Doctor Yan said last Wednesday that Xiao Wei had woken up from the surgery, and his condition was stable.

Police have obtained CCTV footage from the cafe and are continuing their investigation. ( )

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