Terrifying moment a baby in his pushchair was hit by a train... and SURVIVED

Terrifying moment a baby in his pushchair was hit by a train... and SURVIVED. A 15-month-old boy escaped with just a few cuts and bruises today after his pushchair rolled on to a railway track in Australia and was hit by a train.

The haunting incident happened today as the baby's grandmother looked away for a moment.

Security camera footage shows the pushchair rolling over the edge of the platform at Tooronga station just as the train pulls in.

Horror: The pushchair can be seen rolling towards the tracks as the train approaches

It falls over the edge of the platform into the path of the oncoming train - with the baby still inside

The horrified grandmother realises what has happened and rushes to the edge of the platform to see her grandson being dragged for up to 10 metres as the driver frantically tried to stop the train

It was pushed a short distance down the tracks before the train came to a halt. Investigators said the train driver was travelling slowly and applied the emergency brakes but still dragged the pushchair between eight and 10 metres.

The dramatic escape came just seven months after another baby in the southern city of Melbourne survived a train striking his buggy, which had also rolled on to the tracks.

The distressed grandmother, who has not been named, was shaking with fear as she said at the scene: 'My only concern is for him (her grandson), I just want to make sure he's ok.'

Witness Lee Jing said: 'The boy's face was full of blood. It was awful. There was an older boy on the platform crying.

'The grandmother was devastated and it was awful to watch them getting the boy and the pram off the tracks.'


The three-year-old brother of the baby, left, cries amid the chaos, as the grandmother, right, shakes with fear after the accident

The driver of the train crawled underneath it to rescue the boy and hand him to his grandmother.

Paramedic Kate Jessop said she was amazed the child was not more seriously hurt.

The baby and his three-year-old brother were being cared for by their grandmother. She told officials she looked away for a moment, and turned back to see the pushchair on the track, Ms Jessop said.

She said: 'All she (the grandmother) can recall is she saw the pram on the platform and then next time she turned around she saw it on the tracks.

'So she's had an incredible fright and it's just the most miraculous circumstances that he is as uninjured as he is.

'I was assuming the worst when we received the call and had awful pictures in my head of a child underneath a train.

'This is obviously every paramedic's worst nightmare to go to a child that has been injured, let alone being hit by a train.

'On arrival the child was conscious and alert. It appears the pram has rolled on to the tracks and then been pushed forward by the train.

'The one-year-old has sustained some minor facial bruising and some grazes to the head but appears to be otherwise uninjured.'

She added: 'The elder brother, a three-year-old, would normally have been in the pram but had just got out to stand on the platform when the pushchair rolled on to the track.'

Officials have not released the name of the grandmother, and paramedics said she was too distraught to talk.

The boy was in stable condition at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. He suffered some minor facial bruising and grazes to his head, but otherwise appeared fine, Ms Jessop added.

Chris Whitefield, Metro spokesman, said: 'The majority of Melbourne railway station platforms slope towards the tracks at an angle that could make an unsecured pram roll forwards.

'Older station platforms were built sloping slightly towards the railway tracks to assist with drainage.

'Under the Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards, introduced in 2004, newly constructed railway platforms must now slope away from the railway tracks.

'Existing platforms that were substantially altered must also comply with the new standard.

'This hasn't happened at the Tooronga platform.That would have been its original slope.'

Asked what gradient the platforms were sloped at, he said: 'Enough, if you have got a pram without its brakes on, to probably roll forward.'

He added: 'The vast majority of train stations were built before the standards came into place.'

It is the second such incident within a year in Melbourne.

In October last year, Saurish Verma made international headlines when the pram he was strapped into rolled off the platform at Ashburton railway station, in east Melbourne.

Millions of people watched shocking CCTV footage of Saurish's mother Shweta lunging for her baby, screaming in horror as the pram was hit by the train and pushed 30 metres along the tracks.

Saurish escaped with minor injuries. Emergency personnel said at the time it was a miracle he had survived. ( dailymail.co.uk )

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