I'm doing fine, mum! Unborn baby's 'thumbs up' from the womb is captured on hospital scan

I'm doing fine, mum! Unborn baby's 'thumbs up' from the womb is captured on hospital scan Most mothers-to-be expect hospital staff to give them a few words of reassurance when they go for a routine scan.

But Marie Boswell got all the encouragement she needed from her unborn baby boy himself.

As these amazing pictures show, he gave Miss Boswell the thumbs-up when she went for her 20-week check.


Marie Boswell was stunned by her unborn son's 'tumbs-up' sign snapped in her 20-week scan at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester

Marie Boswell was stunned by her unborn son's 'thumbs-up' sign snapped in her 20-week scan at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester
Doing just fine: Marie Bosworth

Doing just fine: Marie Bosworth

The 35-year-old full-time mother said she couldn't stop laughing when the picture of her son came up on the scanner screen at Wythenshawe Hospital, near her home in Manchester.

'It was really funny,' she said.

'I went to the scan with my friend and my mum and we were all just laughing. He was giving us the thumbsup, it was just so clear.

'We couldn't believe it. I have big hands, but nothing on the scale of his.

'We're thinking he might make a good goalkeeper.

'I've never seen a scan like this before - but we love it.

'I've been keeping it in a book because I want to show it to him when he is older.'

Miss Boswell, who also has a daughter Olivia, ten, had to return to hospital for a second scan a few days later because staff were unable to check on the baby's spine as he was in such an unusual position.

But she and partner, James Evans, 41, a decorator, have been told everything is fine and are looking forward to their son's birth in September.(
dailymail.co.uk )

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