Why the eyes are the key to making our faces look 'human'

Why the eyes are the key to making our faces look 'human' - The most important feature when deciding whether someone is human or a robot is the eyes, according to new research.

Telling the difference allows us to pay attention to faces that belong to living things and so are capable of interacting with us.

A new study published in Psychological Science finds that a face has to be quite similar to a human face in order to appear alive, and that the cues are mainly in the eyes.

Many robots that attempt to seem lifelike often fall short because of what is termed the ‘uncanny valley’ – when a humanoid robot becomes creepier the closer to a human it looks.

Scroll down to watch a video a human face 'morphing' to that of a doll and back

The face of a doll is clearly not human;

The face of a doll is clearly not human;

The face of a doll is clearly not human;

A sequence of faces morphed i na video that graduate from human to doll and a number of hybrid images in between

A sequence of faces morphed i na video that graduate from human to doll and a number of hybrid images in between

For some reason, they will never look truly alive, despite the skills of the scientists who created them.

Several films have tried and failed to generate lifelike animations of humans. For example, the lifeless faces in Polar Express made people uncomfortable because they tried to emulate life but didn't get it quite right.

‘There's something fundamentally important about seeing a face and knowing that the lights are on and someone is home,’ says Thalia Wheatley of Dartmouth College, who cowrote the study with graduate student Christine Looser.

Humans can see faces in anything—the moon, a piece of toast, two dots and a line for a nose—but we are much more discriminating when it comes to deciding what is alive and what is not.

Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive. Looser visited toy shops and took pictures of dolls' faces.

He then paired each doll face with a similar-looking human face and used morphing software to blend the two.

Robotics scientist Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro poses with 'Geminoid
Robotics scientist Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro poses with 'Geminoid' one of his eerie humanoid robots that never quite look realistic

This made a video that blended intermediate pictures that were part human, part doll.

Volunteers looked at each picture and decided which were human and which were dolls.

Looser and Wheatley found that the tipping point, where people determined the faces to be alive, was about two-thirds of the way along the continuum, closer to the human side than to the doll side.

Another experiment found that the eyes were the most important feature for determining life.

The results suggest that people scrutinise faces, particularly the eyes, for evidence that a face is alive. Objects with faces may look human, but telling the difference lets us reserve our social energies for faces that are capable of thinking, feeling, and interacting with us.

‘I think we all seek connections with others,’ Wheatley says. When we recognise life in a face, she says, we think, ‘This is a mind I can connect with.’ (
dailymail.co.uk )

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