Anger as U.S. policeman filmed punching black girl, 17, in face... for not crossing road properly

Anger as U.S. policeman filmed punching black girl, 17, in face... for not crossing road properly. American police have been accused of brutality after an officer was filmed punching a black 17-year-old girl in the face as he tried to arrest her for ‘jaywalking’.

TV video footage of the incident has stunned the U.S. public as Officer Ian Walsh, who is white, is seen lashing out with his fist at the teenager in Seattle.

The teen reels backwards in shock from the blow before clutching her face while a bystander can be heard asking: ‘Are you serious?’

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Shocking: Officer Ian Walsh strikes the girl in the face while a bystander films it

Both the 17-year-old girl, who was struck, and her 19-year-old friend, who is seen grappling with the officer, were arrested for assault and held in custody.

Seattle Police chiefs have launched an investigation into the alleged assault after viewing the video footage.

Civil rights activists are outraged and say the punch was an action of anger not self-defence.

The incident comes weeks after another two Seattle officers seen kicking a Hispanic robbery suspect who later turned out to be innocent.

James Kelly, who heads the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle group, said of the police: ‘Shame on you. The use of violence in the form of a full-blown fist to the face was wrong.

‘What the 17-year-old did was wrong,’ he told ABC News. ‘I'm not making any excuses for her, but two wrongs don't make a right.’

And a woman with whom the 17-year-old lives echoed his statements.

‘She's not a criminal,’ the woman, who would not give her name, said as she waited for a juvenile court hearing for the teen yesterday.

‘She ran into a situation that maybe wasn't right, but two wrongs don't make a right.’

The confrontation began after Walsh spotted a man jaywalking - the American term for not crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing or junction controlled by lights - and went to speak to him.

Flashback: Rodney King was filmed being beaten by Los Angeles  police in 1991

Flashback: Rodney King was filmed being beaten by Los Angeles police in 1991

According to the police report a group of four girls were also spotted doing the same and the officer called them over to his patrol car.

The women became verbally abusive and started to walk away ignoring the Walsh’s instructions to remain where they stood.

When he tried to stop the teen two of them began grappling with him.

As the 17-year-old, wearing a pink top, tried to push away Walsh, he lashed out with his fist.

Other officers who had answered a call for help arrived on the scene and handcuffed the 19-year-old.

Both teens were charged with jaywalking and assaulting a police officer.

The case echoes the case of Rodney King, whose brutal beating by police prompted the Los Angeles race riots in 1992.

A police spokesman said they will review the video tape but said punching is a trained tactic for police officers.

‘There will be a thorough investigation into this incident,’ said a spokesman.

Both girls have now been released from custody. ( )


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