Bin Laden son’s baby name wish

Defiant ... Zaina wants to  have the child of Osama Bin Laden's son

Bin Laden son’s baby name wish. Osama Bin Laden's son wants to name his British child Elizabeth after the QUEEN, The Sun can reveal.

Omar Bin Laden, 29, and his wife Zaina, 54, are controversially trying to have a baby using a young surrogate mum from Bristol.

"Zaina" is a former parish councillor from Moulton in Cheshire and changed her name from Jane Felix Browne.

Baby dreams ... Omar Bin  Laden and Zaina
Baby dreams ... Omar Bin Laden and Zaina

If the child is a boy they favour William - this time not after royalty but after Scottish independence fighter William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson in the film Braveheart.

The couple already have four children between them - Zaina's grown-up sons are 36, 31 and 30 while Omar has a seven-year-old son from his previous marriage.

This week the couple had a setback in their quest to start their own family after hearing their third attempt at IVF had failed - surrogate Louise Pollard, 24, was not pregnant as hoped.

But determined Zaina, a mum-of-three and grandmother-of-five, insists she will continue until the treatment works.

Carrier ... Louise Pollard
Carrier ... Louise Pollard

She says she has 35 frozen embryos - her eggs fertilised by Omar two years ago - waiting in a private clinic.

She told The Sun: "I will have a child. I'm the driving force behind this but Omar is right behind me. Whatever stress I'm going through, it's worth it.

"I like Ruby for a girl's name but Omar likes Elizabeth, after the Queen. He also likes William for a boy, after William Wallace. He's very knowledgeable about British history and likes watching history and geography documentaries.

"I'd love for him to come to the UK and visit Scotland, see the Lake District or the Yorkshire Moors."

Zaina married Saudi Arabian Omar, Osama's fourth son, in September 2006.

They met on a riding holiday in Egypt after the British housewife asked to take his picture.

Zaina, who has multiple sclerosis, found mum-of-one Louise on a surrogacy website.

Louise is a secretary who is single - and the youngest surrogate in the country. She has already had two surrogate children as well her own son Jaden, four.

Zaina said: "She's very brave and kind and is a fantastic mum to her own son. I have a lot of respect for her and really care for her."

Not surprisingly, the defiant grandmother has faced a barrage of criticism from around the world for trying to have a baby with the child of the man who masterminded the 9/11 atrocity.

Zaina, who says she was born a Muslim, insists: "As far as I'm concerned this is not Osama Bin Laden's grandchild. Omar hasn't seen his father for more than ten years, and left his father because he didn't want to be a soldier.

Terror boss ... Osama Bin  Laden
Osama Bin Laden

"You can't judge a man on what his father does. Omar is the complete opposite to him, interested in peace, not violence. I wanted to keep this a secret so Osama wouldn't even know he had a grandchild, but the news leaked out. We only know he's alive from seeing him on the TV."

Omar is in touch with his mother Najwa, Bin Laden's first wife, and most of his many brothers and sisters, who Zaina says have all been supportive of her decision.

Surrogacy is frowned upon in Islam but Zaina's surrogate has claimed that Omar is prepared go against his religion for the sake of their baby.

Critics say her attempt at having a child is purely a means of getting a visa for her husband, though the UK Border Agency says the biological parent of a child born in the UK will not automatically get the right to live here.

Omar's inability to get a visa - because of the potential public backlash - means the couple are frequently apart, though Zaina is planning a holiday for their upcoming fourth wedding anniversary. She added: "It's very strange that Omar can come and go in other countries in Europe and around the world, but not here.

"Omar could apply for a tourist visa any time but that has a limited stay.

"We don't want to live here permanently, but maybe during the summer. My children and grandchildren live in the UK and I want to be able to see them without leaving Omar behind.


"I haven't given up on it yet, I'm going to reapply."

Six-times married Zaina is sure she has found lasting happiness with former scrap metal contractor Omar, who is on a global publishing tour promoting his book and currently in Thailand.

As well as a home in the UK, the couple also hope to have a base in the USA, where the 9/11 attacks killed almost 3,000 people. Incredibly, the Bin Ladens are actually WELCOMED in America.

Zaina said: "The Americans have been amazing to us and Omar's book has sold well there, as well as other countries around the world."

She insists that, despite her age, doctors have told her the IVF procedure has the same chance of working for her as for anyone else.

Outrage ... twin towers

Outrage ... twin towers

The couple will pay Louise's expenses of £10,000 if she does fall pregnant - they have already spent £3,000 to cover Louise's costs so far and Zaina has spent £50,000 on her own treatment and expenses.

Zaina said: "Omar has written a book, Growing Up Bin Laden, explaining his life and promoting peace. A percentage of the profits are going to charity but we're also using the money to have a baby.

"My sons have had some ribbing at work about them having a baby brother or sister, and are a bit embarrassed to think of their mum having another child, but they are very supportive."

She is quick to defend her decision to have a child in her fifties. "What's age? Madonna is 50 and has adopted a child. Sarah Jessica Parker used a surrogate to have twins at 45.

"We have enough money for a child to live in luxury."

It's clear Zaina is desperate to be a mum again, and despite their failed third attempt at pregnancy she steadfastly refuses to give up.

"I'll keep going until my eggs run out and then I'll use donor eggs. I've even bought baby clothes.

"All I want is to have a baby with my husband, and I don't believe there's anything wrong with that."( )

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