Two racist thugs jailed for threatening to 'cut the throats' of Asian reporters making undercover BBC documentary

Two racist thugs jailed for threatening to 'cut the throats' of Asian reporters making undercover BBC documentary. Two yobs who hurled a string of racist abuse at undercover reporters during a BBC documentary have been jailed for a total of nearly four years.

Sean Ganderton and Martin Durnell systematically 'bullied and threatened' Asian journalists Amil Khan and Tamanna Rahman whilst being secretly filmed on Panorama.

Ganderton, 23, was filmed telling Mr Khan he should walk in the road because then it would be 'Bye bye Paki', before punching him in the head.

Sean GandertonMartin Durnell
Sean Ganderton, left, and Martin Durnell, right, were jailed for a total of nearly four years today for hurling racist abuse at undercover reporters

The unemployed pair hung around the streets drinking, kicking footballs at the undercover reporters, threatening to hit them and 'cut their throats'.

Ganderton and Durnell, 18, both of Southmead estate, Bristol, admitted racially aggravated harassment or putting people in fear of violence.

Judge Michael Roach jailed Ganderton for two years and sent Durnell to youth custody for 21 months at Bristol Crown Court.

He said: 'Your behaviour in this eight to ten week period was utterly abhorrent.

'In a cowardly way you bullied and threatened the two people. On one occasion, Mr Ganderton, you punched Mr Khan.

'This behaviour can only justify a custodial sentence. It will not be tolerated. Whenever this behaviour comes to court, immediate custody will follow.

'I've no doubt Miss Rahman and Mr Khan were utterly distraught by what you did; and who could blame them?'

Amil Khan and Tamanna Rahman were systematically 'bullied and  threatened' by Ganderton and Durnell as they secretly filmed a  documentary for Panorama

Amil Khan and Tamanna Rahman were systematically 'bullied and threatened' by Ganderton and Durnell as they secretly filmed a documentary for Panorama

Mr Khan and Miss Rahman moved onto the estate in Southmead and spent eight weeks secretly filming the Panorama documentary last June.

In that time, the reporters claimed they were victims of attempted muggings, racial insults and had waterbombs, glass and rocks thrown at them.

Some of the abuse, including that by Ganderton and Durnell, was broadcast as part of programme, which was aired in October.

The court heard that the very first time Miss Rahman went outside her property Durnell said: 'They're living everywhere now.'

Over the following days and weeks the couple were subjected to comments including 'What's that smell' and 'You shouldn't be living here.'

On one occasion, Ganderton bared his backside to Miss Rahman, before Durnell kicked a football at her and one of the pair shouted 'I'm going to cut you up.'

The court also heard that Ganderton threatened to cut Miss Rahman's throat and Durnell told her to give him her handbag.

When the journalists were together, they told Mr Khan he ought to be walking in the road because then it would be 'Bye bye Paki,' before Ganderton punched Mr Khan on the side of his head.

Ganderton was arrested in October last year, was shown the Panorama film and admitted it was him but denied he was a racist.

Durnell was arrested in November last year, but complained that he had been 'trapped' by the undercover filming.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave McCallum, of Avon and Somerset Police, said: 'These are significant sentences and people who behave in this way should expect significant sentences.'

Two 11-year-old boys who were also filmed giving the reporters abuse were given a curfew and parenting order respectively by the youth court. ( )

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