The pictures that are worth more than a thousands words: Artist compiles stunning creations using only letters

The pictures that are worth more than a thousands words: Artist compiles stunning creations using only letters - Everyone knows the well-worn saying about pictures and words.

But a Spanish artist has turned that concept on its head with these images which each contain up to 200,000 words of varying lengths, heights and colours.

They are so detailed that from afar, each simply looks like a picture But on closer inspection hundreds of thousands of words can be seen making up every minute detail.

Enlarge Royal couple Kate and William made from the most relevant words of the engagement announcement
Relevant words: This image of Prince William and Kate Middleton is composed of hundreds of thousands of the most relevant search terms to their engagement announcement

Amateur Spanish artist Juan Osborne, who scours speeches, lyrics and books for the words used, creates the masterpieces dubbed word art.

His works include a Barack Obama made from 100 speeches the President made before his election and a dancing Michael Jackson, crafted out of 4,000 comments people left after his sudden death.


* There's something fishy about this dolphin...

Each one is painstakingly pieced together using home made software designed by Juan on his laptop - which he takes with him everywhere.

He creates the images in coffee shops, on trains, in dentist waiting rooms and even on the sly at work.

Tower Bridge, London
Tourist town: This image shows Tower Bridge in London through words related to tourist attractions in the town such as 'museum' and 'palace'

They take him three days to complete with larger ones taking up to a week.

The Spaniard first isolates the main image from its background on an image editor.

He then uses the picture as a template to spread thousands of words one by one across the image until every space is filled.

By changing the size and colour Juan is able to create different shades and colour to bring the pieces to life.
Albert Einstein
Marylin Monroe made with words related to her

A life in words: Images of Albert Einstein, left, and Marilyn Monroe made up of hundreds of thousands of words

The Scream. Based in the famous painting by Edvard Munch made from words from his Wikipedia article
Online words: This interpretation of the The Scream by Edvard Munch is made from words from his Wikipedia article

Juan said: 'Words are powerful, they go straight into the human mind and really add something to my pictures that you can' get from a regular picture taken with a camera.

'Mine have stories behind them that can be read, which is pretty unique.

'I've made so many now that I've got the process down to a tee and can churn out a lot in a short space of time - maybe just a few days each.'

But Juan admits that despite perfecting the process of making these images to a fine art, he still throws many straight in the bin.

He said: 'They do involve lots of attempts to make and sometimes I end up with something ugly or boring so it goes straight in the trash.

'It takes a lot of time and effort, and sometimes I get bored of one and leave it unfinished for months.

'They sleep waiting for some kind of alternative point of view and I suddenly I go back to them with new inspiration.'

The Spaniard has even designed and developed his own specific software that allows him to create the images in spectacular quality without resorting to scissors and glue.

He added: 'People are surprised when I tell them that my work is created using a standard netbook and software that I built myself - which is very basic.

'There are no limits to creativity - if I need something or think of a new way to make something I just create a new application to do it. I feel free without the need for commercial software.'

The 40-year-old, from Madrid, stumbled across his new found talent while working at an architectural firm in 2009.

He has since created more than 500 word art images in his spare time.

And Juan has revealed that he now plans to create a colossal super picture consisting of one million words.

He said: 'My biggest one so far was a mere half a million words, but I want to go one better - half a million better.

'The only problem I have is finding somewhere to print a picture that big.' ( )

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