Learning to love yourself

Learning to love yourself. In our ordinary lives, we sometimes meet certain people and our lives are never the same again.

One such incident occurred in my life a few years ago. I was studying at a medical college and I was this fat girl, a typical nerd, not pretty by any stretch of imagination.

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One fine day

I was doing well study-wise but that was it. I had no life beyond that. On one ordinary day of my ordinary life, I was standing in the balcony of my hostel when a senior walked up to me and said 'Hi!'

I knew her by name and face; I knew that she was one of the hottest girls around, but had never spoken to her. I was pretty confused and ended up mumbling, 'Hello madam!'

That's when Vijayeta (that's her name) burst out laughing and said, "Do I look like a 40-year-old to you? Why are you calling me madam, call me Vijayeta."

Makeover story

She started talking to me as if we were best of friends. It was a pretty much a typical college girls' conversation and then she said something that was shocking. She said, "You know, you are a very beautiful girl."

I said she was wrong because I was, in fact, not pretty! To this she replied, "I know what makes you say that." And then she told me that she too, had been fat when she was in school.

She said that one day she overheard her mother tell her father that though they had to get her married, she wouldn't ever get a guy. That hurt Vijayeta and made her transform herself into the 'hot chick' that she now was.

She inspired me and told me to take control of my life in my own hands. Vijayeta made me promise that I would lose weight, that I would see myself as a beautiful girl.

She was a total stranger, but somehow I just did what she told me to do. There was something about her that made me trust her instinctively.

And I did lose weight - a whole 20kg.

Life lessons

Since that day, throughout my college life and afterward, whenever I face a dilemma or feel low, I turn to her and she reminds me of what a beautiful place this world is and what a beautiful gift life is.

She has taught me to be positive, to believe in love and to believe in myself. She made me grow as a person as well as spiritually.

Sometimes, I feel we are soul sisters. Vijayeta has helped me with my relationship issues, with career issues… everything. Life has been a joyride since the day I met her.

Now whenever someone tells me, "Hey you look gorgeous!" or "Hey you have great self-confidence", I remember Vijayeta.( idiva.com )

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